Monday, January 10, 2011

New Chapter

There’s such hope in the new. I believe in a God of purpose and adventure. And even though it may not seem like it sometimes, he is doing a work in our lives. Never lose heart in his plan, he’s always working in the midst of everything to give you something beautiful. You don’t want to miss it…I know I don’t. Never give up or settle for less…keep trusting against all odds. He’s just getting ready to give us new, beautiful adventures and chapters. Chapters just waiting to be opened and trusted in.

God please give us new chapters … and the courage to turn the pages and trust…

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"  Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV

New Chapter

Unfamiliar words written by a person I vaguely remember. A passion and fire that could melt any frozen December. She said “Life is a beautiful journey, a novel full of mystery”. But somewhere along the line apathy plagued this expectancy and the pages remained empty. Until you finally said…


It’s time to start a new chapter in my life. Time to see what life has to offer. Laugh and cry, maybe be surprised of what I find. Step off the ledge and fly. Cause this book has tons of empty space to fill and the pen is in my hand tonight. So I guess it’s time, time to start a new chapter in my life. 

We’re all just trying to figure out how to live. How to deal with the wild strokes of someone else's pen. But these pages are blank and wearing thin. Oh where’s the ink hidden? My story is still floating somewhere beneath my skin. Write me in a beautiful journey, write a melody to this song. Want to know invisible ink was there all along.

(Repeat Chorus)

Dusty blank books waiting in a library dimly lit. Who I was meant to be is someone I often forget. Oh it’s so hard to say goodbye to the character you were in chapter nine. But she said “Kiss this little girl goodbye, cause she starts over tonight”.

(Repeat Chorus 2x)

© Krystal Celeste

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